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Retrieves the list of allowlist identifiers.

function getAllowlistIdentifier: () => Promise<PaginatedResourceResponse<AllowlistIdentifier[]>>;

getAllowlistIdentifierList() example

In this example, you can see that the returned PaginatedResourceResponse includes data, which is an array of AllowlistIdentifier objects, and totalCount, which indicates the total number of allowlist identifiers in the system.

const response = await clerkClient.allowlistIdentifiers.getAllowlistIdentifierList(); console.log(response); /* { data: [ _AllowlistIdentifier { id: 'alid_2b3VjS02AsRMoTcyLzMJ7mZvz4J', identifier: '', createdAt: 1705443883820, updatedAt: 1705443883820, invitationId: undefined } ], totalCount: 1 } */

Backend API (BAPI) endpoint

This method in the SDK is a wrapper around the BAPI endpoint GET/allowlist-identifiers. See the BAPI reference(opens in a new tab) for more details.

Last updated on August 16, 2023

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