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Creates a new invitation for the given email address and sends the invitation email.

If an email address has already been invited or already exists in your application, trying to create a new invitation will return an error. To bypass this error and create a new invitation anyways, set ignoreExisting to true.

function createInvitation: (params: CreateParams) => Promise<Invitation>;


emailAddressstringThe email address of the user to invite.
redirectUrl?stringThe URL to redirect the user to after they accept the invitation.
publicMetadata?Record<string, unknown>Metadata saved on the invitation that is visible to both your Frontend and Backend APIs.
notify?booleanOptional flag to denote whether an email invitation should be sent to the given email address. Defaults to true.
ignoreExisting?booleanOptional flag to denote whether an invitation should be created if there is already an existing invitation for this email address, or if the email address already exists in the application. Defaults to false.

createInvitation() example

const response = await clerkClient.invitations.createInvitation({ emailAddress: '', redirectUrl: 'https://optionally-redirect-here', publicMetadata: { "example": "metadata", "example_nested": { "nested": "metadata", }, } }); console.log(response); /* _Invitation { id: 'inv_2b6NfrkHKSU6mSYx2FwX4AtzeFi', emailAddress: '', publicMetadata: { example: 'metadata', example_nested: [Object] }, createdAt: 1705531674576, updatedAt: 1705531674576, status: 'pending', revoked: undefined } */

Backend API (BAPI) endpoint

This method in the SDK is a wrapper around the BAPI endpoint POST/invitations. See the BAPI reference(opens in a new tab) for more details.

Last updated on January 31, 2024

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