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Organization membership methods

Organizations must be enabled in your Clerk settings for these methods to work. See the Organizations overview to learn more.

These methods on the Organization object allow you to manage the memberships of an organization.

To see how all these methods work together, check out the comprehensive example.


Retrieves the list of memberships for the currently active organization.

function getMemberships(params?: GetMembersParams): Promise<ClerkPaginatedResponse<OrganizationMembership>>;


initialPage?numberA number that can be used to skip the first n-1 pages. For example, if initialPage is set to 10, it is will skip the first 9 pages and will fetch the 10th page.
pageSize?numberA number that indicates the maximum number of results that should be returned for a specific page.
role?OrganizationCustomRoleKey[]The roles of memberships that will be included in the response.


OrganizationCustomRoleKey is a string that represents the user's role in the organization. Clerk provides the default roles org:admin and org:member. However, you can create custom roles as well.

getMemberships() returns

Promise<ClerkPaginatedResponse<OrganizationMembership>>This method returns a Promise that resolves to a ClerkPaginatedResponse of OrganizationMembership objects.


Adds a user as a member to an organization. A user can only be added to an organization if they are not already a member of it and if they already exist in the same instance as the organization.

Only administrators can add members to an organization.

function addMember(params: AddMemberParams): Promise<OrganizationMembership>;


userIdstringThe ID of the user that will be added as a member to the organization.
rolestringThe role that the user will have in the organization.

addMember() returns

Promise<OrganizationMembership>This method returns a Promise that resolves to the OrganizationMembership object.


Updates a member. Currently, only a user's role can be updated.

function updateMember(params: UpdateMembershipParams): Promise<OrganizationMembership>;


userIdstringThe user identifier.
rolestringThe role of the new member.

updateMember() returns

Promise<OrganizationMembership>This method returns a Promise that resolves to the updated OrganizationMembership object.


Removes a member from the organization based on the userId.

function removeMember(userId: string): Promise<OrganizationMembership>;

removeMember() parameters

userIdstringThe user identifier.

removeMember() returns

Promise<OrganizationMembership>This method returns a Promise that resolves to the removed OrganizationMembership object.

Organization membership methods example

The following example demonstrates how to use the organization membership methods to manage the members of an organization. To ease the development process, the response or error message of a method will be displayed on the user interface.

For the following example, your HTML file should look like this:

<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/vite.svg" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Clerk + JavaScript App</title> <style> /* Style for the table */ table { border-collapse: collapse; /* Collapse borders into a single border */ border: 1px solid black; /* Border for the entire table */ } /* Style for table cells */ td, th { border: 1px solid black; /* Border for each cell */ padding: 2px; /* Optional: Add padding to cells */ } </style> </head> <body> <div id="app"></div> <p id="error-container" hidden> Error: <span id="error-message"></span> </p> <h2>Memberships List</h2> <table id="memberships_table"> <thead> <tr> <th>User ID</th> <th>Identifier</th> <th>Role</th> <th id="update-role-head" hidden>Update role</th> <th id="remove-member-head" hidden>Remove member</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="memberships_table_body"></tbody> </table> <div id="add-member-container"> <h2>Add member</h2> <input id="member-user-id" placeholder="Enter member's user ID" /> <button id="add-member">Add member</button> </div> <h2>Response:</p> <pre id="response"></pre> <script type="module" src="/main.js"></script> </body> </html>

And your JavaScript file should look like this:

import Clerk from '@clerk/clerk-js'; // Initialize Clerk with your Clerk publishable key const clerk = new Clerk('{{pub_key}}'); await clerk.load(); if (clerk.user) { // Check for an active organization if (clerk.organization) { // Render list of organization memberships async function renderMemberships(organization, isAdmin) { try { const { data } = await organization.getMemberships(); const memberships = data; console.log(`getMemberships:`, memberships); => { const membershipTable = document.getElementById("memberships_table"); const row = membershipTable.insertRow(); row.insertCell().textContent = membership.publicUserData.userId; row.insertCell().textContent = membership.publicUserData.identifier; row.insertCell().textContent = membership.role; // Add administrative actions: // Add and remove a member, and update a member's role. if (isAdmin) { // Show add, update, remove member buttons document.getElementById("add-member-container").removeAttribute("hidden"); document.getElementById("update-role-head").removeAttribute("hidden"); document.getElementById("remove-member-head").removeAttribute("hidden"); // Get the user ID of the member const userId = membership.publicUserData.userId; // Update a member's role const updateBtn = document.createElement("button"); updateBtn.textContent = "Change role"; updateBtn.addEventListener("click", async function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const role = membership.role === "org:admin" ? "org:member" : "org:admin"; await organization.updateMember({ userId, role }) .then((res) => { document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(res); }) .catch((error) => { document.getElementById("error-container").removeAttribute("hidden"); document.getElementById("error-message").innerHTML = error.errors[0].longMessage; console.log("An error occurred:", error.errors); }); }); row.insertCell().appendChild(updateBtn); // Remove a member const removeBtn = document.createElement("button"); removeBtn.textContent = "Remove"; removeBtn.addEventListener("click", async function (e) { e.preventDefault(); await organization.removeMember(userId) .then((res) => { document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(res); }) .catch((error) => { document.getElementById("error-container").removeAttribute("hidden"); document.getElementById("error-message").innerHTML = error.errors[0].longMessage; console.log("An error occurred:", error.errors); }); }); row.insertCell().appendChild(removeBtn); // Add a new member to the organization document.getElementById("add-member") .addEventListener("click", () => { const userId = document.getElementById("member-user-id").value; organization.addMember({ userId, role: "org:member" }) .then((res) => { document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(res); }) .catch((error) => { document.getElementById("error-container").removeAttribute("hidden"); document.getElementById("error-message").innerHTML = error.errors[0].longMessage; console.log("An error occurred:", error.errors); }); }); } }); } catch (error) { document.getElementById("error-container").removeAttribute("hidden"); document.getElementById("error-message").innerHTML = error.errors[0].longMessage; console.log("An error occurred:", error.errors); } } /** * Checks if a user is an admin of the * currently active organization and * renders the organization's memberships. */ async function checkAdminAndRenderMemberships() { const organizationId =; const { data } = await clerk.user.getOrganizationMemberships(); const organizationMemberships = data; const currentMembership = organizationMemberships.find( (membership) => === organizationId ); const currentOrganization = currentMembership.organization; if (!currentOrganization) { return; } const isAdmin = currentMembership.role === "org:admin"; console.log(`Organization:`, currentOrganization); renderMemberships(currentOrganization, isAdmin); } checkAdminAndRenderMemberships(); } else { // If there is no active organization, // mount Clerk's <OrganizationSwitcher /> // to allow the user to set an organization as active document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <h2>Select an organization to set it as active</h2> <div id="org-switcher"></div> `; const orgSwitcherDiv = document.getElementById("org-switcher"); clerk.mountOrganizationSwitcher(orgSwitcherDiv); } } else { document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <div id="sign-in"></div> `; const signInDiv = document.getElementById("sign-in"); clerk.mountSignIn(signInDiv); }

Last updated on March 26, 2024

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