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An interface that provides the ability to add custom pages to the <UserProfile /> or <OrganizationProfile /> components.


labelstringThe label of the custom page. It is a required property.
urlstring | undefinedThe path segment that will be used to navigate to the custom page. It should be relative when providing a custom page and absolute when providing a custom link.
mountIcon((el: HTMLDivElement) => void) | undefinedThis function is called to mount the icon of the label. The el argument is the element where the icon should be mounted.
unmountIcon((el?: HTMLDivElement) => void) | undefinedThis function is called to unmount the icon of the label. The el argument is the same element that was passed to the mountIcon function.
mount((el: HTMLDivElement) => void) | undefinedThis function is called to mount the content of the custom page. The el argument is the element where the content should be mounted.
unmount((el?: HTMLDivElement) => void) | undefinedThis function is called to unmount the content of the custom page. The el argument is the same element that was passed to the mount function.

Last updated on January 8, 2024

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